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Blog Details

Category : Web Design | Sub Category : Web Design Posted on 2022-12-15 08:08:48

How To Land Your First Job As A Web Developer ?

The software development industry, web development in particular, is full of amazing stories of people with no tech background who switched to development and changed their life for great and they couldn’t be happier with the change.


Programming is a great skill to have, it will teach you to think differently, it will open the doors to a lot of job opportunities even in these times where the job market is so hurt by the economic decline, and it will also give you an amazing talent to build your own projects and companies.


Going back to our topic here, let me present you my path to becoming a web developer, in particular, a front end developer (if you don’t know what this is, stay with me, I’ll explain it all), and my path to landing a first job in tech.

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